Hand of God Ministries

Hand of God Ministry
God has called Hand of God Ministries to offer you the opportunity to be part of the Hand of God family.
Whether you support an orphaned or partially orphaned child by spiritually adopting them, purchase a gift made by the young mothers and widows, or support our men training men to stop abuse/prison ministry you are contributing to God’s family in His Kingdom.
Please click on each ministry link above to discover in depth how God is working in the Hand of God family

Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed. Proverbs 19:17
Your donation makes a big difference in the Kingdom of God! We are very grateful for your generosity! We believe your donation today shows where your heart and treasure is! We will honor your monetary gift with great stewardship. Thank you!

Want to help? We have three distinct ministries that you can prayerfully support.
1. Spiritual and Financial Adoption of God’s children.
2. Purchase a gift made by a young mother or widow. Your gift supports a whole family. Multiply the blessing of this gift by telling others.
3. Men training men to stop abuse toward woman and children and a prison ministry.

For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God... you have received the spirit of adoption in the bliss of which we cry Abba Father!
Romans 8:14-15
The original mission of Hand of God Ministries was to facilitate the spiritual and financial adoption of orphans and partial orphans in Gondar, Ethiopia. The ministry has expanded, by God’s leading, in the following: to help victimized young mothers become self-sufficient through self-help groups and a jewelry program, prison ministry, and men training men to stop abuse/cultural practices that harm women and children.