ABOUT The Ministry
Hand of God Ministries was founded by president John R. Mustian in October of 2005. John had a call of God to his heart to help orphans in the third world after being a part of a worldwide ministry that had three orphanages in India, ranging in size from 350 children to about 1000.
While serving these children and recruiting monthly sponsors to pledge $30 per month and seeing how quickly the sponsors stopped their monthly support, the concept of spiritual and financial adoption and setting aside money for college funds was birthed in John's heart.
John soon met a man of God from Ethiopia named Zendu Mengestie, and as that relationship grew it became clear that God had arranged this meeting so that Hand of God Ministries could start helping children in Gondar, Ethiopia. Gondor is a city of 250,000 people, yet not one outside ministry or aid organization was there to help the children.
Zendu contacted the leaders of the churches in Gondar and shared with them what John wanted to do. The leaders chose 16 of the most needy children and families, sent pictures and biographical information about these 16 children, found relatives or people from the churches to raise the children if monthly support was sent, and in December of 2006 John and Zendu went to Gondar to meet the children, begin the program, buy clothes and make arrangements for those who would raise the children. In some cases that was a surviving parent or other family member, but sometimes it was someone from the church.
Arriving in Gondar, they met Tilahun Amanu and knew in a very short time that he was the man that God had prepared to handle the program's everyday operations and bear the financial responsibilities to the families and children. Tilahun is the Executive Director of Hand of God Ministries in Ethiopia.
As of mid 2015, we are raising 87 children, putting one young lady through nursing school and feeding approximately 100 people three meals every day.
Executive Director Tilahun Amanu

President, John Mustian

John and his lovely wife Dona began their ministry on their honeymoon in Canada 34 years ago. It started as an evangelist/gospel singer traveling concert style and in the intervening time has seen many changes, ranging from ownership and operation of Christian television stations to pastoral and helps ministries to the homeless and "down and out." Whatever form their ministry took throughout the years, John and Dona owned businesses and constantly worked to fund their ministry.
More recently, John became a flight attendant, and it was through that experience, as well as his time training other flight attendants, that he was asked by Global Peace Initiative and Gospel to the Unreached Millions to be in charge of passenger and in-flight operations of Global Peace One, a 747 that traveled the world doing humanitarian missions after earthquakes and tsunamis, and serving the evangelistic, orphan and widow ministry in India.
John recently retired from Frontier Airlines and is concentrating all his efforts toward what he feels God has called Hand of God Ministries to accomplish.
There are five evangelical churches in Gondar and, while they all started as different denominations during the early missionary days and still carry the names over their doors, they are all part of an Ethiopian organization called the "Evangelical Church Fellowship", which has many churches all over Ethiopia. When John first met Tilahun, he was the General Secretary (like a head board member) of the five churches in Gondar. He is now the General Secretary for all the churches in the northeast region of Ethiopia. Fortunately it does not take all of his time because he is also a 10th grade biology teacher. He has a lovely wife named Sintayehu, and two boys and a baby girl.
Addis Ababa Staff
We are pleased to introduce you to the husband and wife team who lead Hand of God Ministry is Addis Ababa. Ezra Tana and Zinash (Vicky) Adane are commited Christians with a passion to serve others in the name of God. Together they attend Bible Army Church of Addis Ababa. Ezra is a talented singer who uses his gift to serve God as well as preach the Gospel.
Vicky was invited to church by a friend her freshman year of college. She fell in love with our Lord and accepted him as her savior. Since that day she has served in many ways. She has worked for Hope for Kora, Miscaya, Project Tesfa, Children's Haven, Mission Ethiopia and most recently Hand of God Ministries Ethiopia. Vicky trains our young mothers and former commercial sex workers to make jewelry. The jewelry is made out of hand rolled beads and are sold for income. The income allows these young mothers to support themselves in a place where paid work is very scarce.
Ezra and Vicky are the proud parents of a 2 year old beautiful boy.

Digital Media Manager
Diana Mustian Watt is the niece of John and Dona Mustian. One day John called her on Skype and asked some questions about a changes to a website he already had. The next day she called him back and showed him an entire new website.
Diana is now responsible for everything you see about Hand of God Ministry online. She runs the social media, website and all Youtube videos created for sponsors and public relations. If you see something that needs attention please email her at dewfaith@aol.com.
Diana is the mother of three extraordinary children whom she rasied by herself. From time to time you will see them contribute their musical talents as well as audio/visual abilities to Hand of God Ministries projects. Nathan is 23 years old and a graduate of Capital University. McKenzie is 19 and a freshman at Kent State University. Hannah is 17 and a junior in high school. This family is no stranger to extreme difficulties or poverty, but Diana believes that everyone has something to give to someone else. We have two commandements, Love God and Love Each Other.