Blessed Beginnings
It is the policy of Hand of God Ministry not to put children younger than eight years old in the spiritual adoption program due to the very long commitment. People who choose to spiritually adopt one of our kids make a 10 to 12 year commitment that sees the child from age 9 to the begining of college. Nevertheless we have these young children who are so adorable and beautiful children of God. Our Blessed Beginings programs allow for donors to make one year commitment to the children who are eight or younger. The Blessed Beginings program is very important way to give these children a healthy start.. Please pray for each and every one of these children.
The children that come to us at such a young age are usually born out of rape. Their mothers once raped are tossed out by a culture that punishes the victims of rape. Let's be clear, children born out of rape are no less victims than their mothers. Their lives start at such a disadvantage. They are most certainly born into poverty and often are born with HIV. Their mothers don't have the means to feed and often come to us in the hopes that we will take the children so they can be adopted in the US. Instead we feed them and watch them during the day while the mothers go look for work. When the mother comes back from a long day, we feed her also.
The Blessed Beginings program seeks to acknowledge these children for what they are, gifts from God. They deserve no less than our very best. {;ease sponser a child for $30.00 a month so we can continue this life saving work.
MARK 10:14 And they were bringing children to Him so that He might touch them; but the disciples rebuked them. But when Jesus saw this, He was indignant and said to them, "Permit the children to come to Me; do not hinder them; for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. "Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all."
This is Biruke Tesfaya, he is 6 years old and in Kindergarten. His mother died and his father abandoned him. His grandmother is raising him but she has no income to feed this sweet little boy. Biruke and Meteges into theprogram at Hand of God Ministries, which we just had started one week before, whenthis widow women was crying out to God for help to raise the two small children that had been put in her home, she had no way to feed them. His favorite color is yellow, he love to eat rice and when he grows up he wants to be a football player when he grows up.


This adorable young man is Edmiyas Girma. He is 6 years old and in Kindergarten. His mother died and he is being raised by his father who is very poor. With our support he is able to pay for a day program while he looks for work. Edmiyas loves to eat Enjera, a bread made in Ethiopia. He wants to be a singer or teacher, maybe both when he grows up. His favorite color is white and he has a toy that he loves to play.

This is Kaleb Sintayehu, he is 7 years old and with our support will be able to start Kindergarten. He is being raised by his very poor mother Mekonene. She does laundry door to door to be able to provide for her son. He is an Orthodox Christian. His loves are spaghetti, football and the color blue. When he grows up he wants to be a doctor.
This is Kurubale Gatachew, he is 5 years old and in Kindergarten. He and his little sister and older brother fell to the care of his old and poor Grandmother when his mother died one month ago. His family is in dire straights and need to be prayed for daily. They need the love of someone who will be their warrior, spirtiually and financially.

This is Natenael Kasaya, he is 7 years old and in the first grade. His father died three years ago and his mother has struggled to feed and raise him by doing laundry by hand door to door. His mother was desperately sad that he could not start school and there were many days he went without food. Our monthly support of just $30.00 has changed their lives.


Yohanis Fekadu
Tumi Sisay

Sami Nuti
Rediet A.


