Hand of God Ministries Success Stories
Hand of God Ministries believes that every child of God has the potential to do great things in this world. Touching their fellow man and spreading the word of God in their daily lives. We are grateful to share some of our success stories. It is our privaledge to work on behalf of God in the lives of the children of Gondor Ethiopia.


Abinet was the oldest boy on the first day Hand of God Ministries started. When John asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up he said, "I want to be a doctor". Most children in Africa give that response to that question.... for Abinet it has driven his life to this point. He was put into the program because he was an orphan boy with no one to care for him. His mother had died when he was very young, when his father accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior, he was expelled from his family. The church was his family and he lived for Jesus. Upon his death Abinet was left alone. The church people asked us to put him in the program so there would be money for someone to raise him. God moved on his Grandmothers heart and though she did not want anything to do with Christians, she took him in and with our support was able to raise him. There was a time he could not attend school, he went back to school when the support began and almost caught up with everyone else at the end of the 10th grade. Unfortunately he did not pass the end of grade 10 test by a very small margin. He decided that the way to get to his dream of being a doctor was to go to nursing college.
Three years ago we put him in the nursing college. He did exceptionally well and graduated in August of this year. He had already passed the state board test. His road to the end of his dream is 2 years of volunteering at clinics in an apprentice type program, then passing the test that would qualify him to attend medical school. Because the ministry was so new and Abinet was the oldest child at the time, he was never spiritually adopted. The money given by those who support the Hand of God general fund, and the extra money given by adoptive parents every month have paid for his monthly support and tuition for college. Praise God for the generosity of those who support the general fund. Abinet is an amazing young man who shows the love of Jesus every where he goes.


From the first day Mastewal was in the Hand of God Spiritual Adoption program she told CEO, John Mustian, that she wanted to be "a choir singer". Seven years have passed since then and nothing has changed. She was chosen to be in the program because her mother was a rape victim as a very young girl.
She was extremely poor and was only able to feed Mastewal because of the generosity of others and extremely hard work. Throughout the last 7 years Mastewal has taken on the position of childrens choir and drama teacher for programs everytime John has returned to Ethoipia.
Five years ago she became a part of the choir in her church. Mastewal was our first child to pass the end of 10th grade test and went on to pass the end of grade 12 test, thus qualifying to be placed in the University. Mastewal began her University training going for a Masters in social sciences, but since has past the test to change to a Music major. She truly is one of a kind. Most of all, she beams the love of Jesus every where she goes. Brad and Mindy Minnard Spiritually and Financially adopted Mastewal within months of Hand of God Ministries inception. Their devotion and relationship to and with Mastewal shows the success of the Spiritual Adoption program. We thank them greatly for their service to God and their generocity of spirit.


Addiswork was the oldest girl when we started supporting the children over 7 years ago. Her father died of AIDS and her mother was sick and dying. Addiswork had to work at whatever she could do in order to support herself and her mother. Her mother was so worried what would happen when she died. A women of God told Addisworks mother, that God had told her he was going to send a man from a far away country to come and be "as a father" to her daughter and she would live to see it. A short time later, John Mustian, arrived in Gondar Ethiopia and started being "as a father" to the first 16 children of the Hand of God Ministries. Addiswork was one of them. With Hand of God Ministries providing for her, she could return to school like the other children. Five years ago she began Nursing college and finished the 3 year program when she graduated. She is such a wonderful young lady and is such an example to the other children as a true young woman of God. Because of this she has worked for Hand of God Ministries as a mentor and guide for all the younger children in the program. In November she married her childhood sweetheart Yohanis, (John in English). She is a great example of our entering marriage with purity program. John Mustian says it has been a pleasure to be, "as a father" to Addiswork. Like Abinet, she was never spiritually adoped, a special thanks to those that give to the general fund of Hand of God Ministries.