Ethopian youth begin sexual relations sometimes as early as 9 years old. Our Purity conferences focus on helping young people make a promise to God to save themselves for marriage. They are given a bottle of oil that has a wax seal on it. Each time they look at the bottle it helps to remind them of the promise they made during their Purity Conference. We teach them what God has to say about sexuality and marriage. We also teach the negatives of being sexually active at such a young age. We teach that God knows what is best for them and that if they follow him they may enjoy a loving intimate relationship when they are married.

Violence against women is pervasive in Ethiopia. Women are raped and sold into sexual slavery all too often. One of the leading problems is to change the mindset of what is acceptable. A law that is not enforced by law enforcement or clergy might as well not even exist as a law. In our Mens Conference we help educate clergy and law enforcement on how to change mindsets and attitudes about rape in their community. We work on helping these community leaders work with the men in their communities to make rape, sexual slavery and other violence against women socially unacceptable. Teaching men who are leaders to no longer look the other way, no longer brush it under the table, but to champion women in their community.